Ancient Greece

The Parthenon

Ancient Greece: Main Page – Click on any of the following topics: Art & Architecture, history, geography, mythology, people, Olympics, wars, culture & society.

Ancient History Lists: Greek History – Top 10 inventions and discoveries of ancient Greece that are remarkably used today.

Wikipedia: Ancient Greece – Chronology, historiography, history, geography, politics and society, culture, and legacy. Ancient Greece – Site offers videos and written information about Ancient Greece.

BBC: Bitesize: Ancient Greece – An interactive website about the Ancient Greeks. Includes: Who were the ancient Greeks?, How did they Olympic Games begin?, What was it like to live in an ancient Greek family?, Who were the Greek Gods and heroes?, The ancient Greeks at war, What do we know about ancient Greek culture?, How did the ancient Greeks change the world?

DLTK: Greece – Greek Crafts and Activities.


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