Observe Life At A Pond

During the summer, ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water are full of life. Take some time to observe what’s going on. Use the following suggestions to create a one of a kind summer study.

Visit a pond, lake, river, creek, or ocean (if another body of water is not available). Observe life at the pond, lake, etc. and take pictures, videos, write, and/or draw what you see and hear.

Study the pond for the rest of the season into the next or for the rest of the year into next spring. Notice how life changes while you are watching.

Bring a chair and observe for as long as you can – unless the bugs are too awful.

If you take pictures or videos, take time to identify, via books, websites, or knowledgeable people, what you observed but could not identify.

Start a pond study and take time to learn about all of the plant and animal life that can be found in the area. Bring a friend.

Bring a magnifying glass or a pocket microscope along with you so you can take closer look.

Adult supervision suggested for this activity.

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