Moonstone Letter Hint

This is an open-ended game that allows for multiple answers. Multiple words can be used for a letter. Try to think of an attribute or fact for each letter.

Use the letters below to come up with facts and words directly related to Moonstones based on your personal experiences, things you know (facts), observations, and likes.

Keep track of your answers.

Challenging Element/Research Project: Keep your answers specifically about a Moonstone Theme such as: Types of, How they grow/they are made, Another names for, Quotes that include them, etc..

Come up with more than one fact/idea for each letter..without looking it up.

When you get stumped, feel free to look up information so you can use all the letters.

Give yourself five (5) points for each word you can come up with on your own (include the extra words you think of for a letter), and 1 point for each word you looked up.

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